Tuesday, March 8, 2011


It was heartening to read that Neighbourhood Watch is experiencing a resurgence in the UK as this article (below) in The Telegraph online reveals.... notice how the 'blame' for this resurgence is on OWL an interactive  online system... which in my opinion is the future of NHW.  ~ Dominique


The figures come from comparison website GoCompare, which says that the number of people stating that they are members of these organisations has risen by 30 per cent in since January 2009.

The company's head of home services, Phil Paterson-Fox, said: "This suggests that communities are increasingly pulling together to prevent crime in their areas. Alongside Neighbourhood Watch, residents can join an interactive Online Watch Link system (OWL).

OWL allows Neighbourhood Watch members to join an online community and receive timely alerts and crime prevention advice from their local police force which may also be a factor in the increase in the number of people signing up to a Neighbourhood Watch scheme."

Being a member of these schemes, which have been active in the UK since the 1980s, may make your home insurance cheaper.

More than 165,000 schemes are now established throughout the United Kingdom covering up to 25 per cent of all households, making Neighbourhood Watch the largest voluntary organisation in the UK.

Members are encouraged to work together to cut crime and keep an eye out for each other's properties and belongings. Mr Paterson-Fox said that this can be particularly relevant with the goods left outside your home.

"In 2009, we looked at the value of possessions left outside homes and found that items left outside homes in gardens and sheds averaged over £1,000, providing rich pickings for thieves. But when it came to taking steps to secure their gardens, over a third admitted they hadn't spent anything on garden security in the last 12 months and a further 35 per cent said they had spent less than £100.

"Insurance is there to cover you if the worst should happen but we would always advise home owners to take action to prevent and deter crime, rather than rely on their home insurance. Nothing can make up for the emotional stress that can be caused by burglary so if these numbers are reflective of communities increasingly pulling together to prevent crime in their area, this can only be a good thing."

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