Wednesday, March 3, 2010


It is an employer's responsibility to provide a safe and secure work environment.
If you are uneasy or concerned about your safety at work, talk to your employer about improving safety in and around the workplace.

Basic Safety Strategies

Report suspicious people or vehicles to workplace security personnel or the police;

Check the identification of unknown people entering the workplace or loitering around who claim to have the right to: perform repairs; remove company equipment; enter an area reserved for employees; or obtain confidential information. If you have any doubts about the person, contact your supervisor or security immediately;

Be aware of company policy when handling money. Avoid leaving money unattended or unsecured;

If taking money to a bank or another location, vary the route or routine. Don't advertise the fact that you are carrying money, i.e. using bank bags. If possible, have a security guard or colleague escort you;

Avoid giving details of your social life or holiday plans, or those of your fellow employees to strangers;

Place purses, wallets and other valuables out of sight. If possible, keep them in a locked area such as a locker or drawer; and

Remove employee identification when leaving the workplace.

Source: Qld Police website