Many adults teach children ‘stranger danger’, even though known people pose a far more likely threat. Failing to provide children with practical strategies and skills to effectively respond to safety threats significantly increases their vulnerability to abuse.
Children's Safety Australia Inc. has recently received a Queensland Government 'Gambling Community Benefit Fund' grant to produce and distribute 1500 Children's Safety Kits to raise the awareness of key children's safety messages in Queensland Primary Schools.
The Children’s Safety Kit Project aims to raise the awareness of four key children’s safety messages forming the foundation of the Safe Start: Protective Behaviours for Children and Young People program. The Safe Start program has been independently reviewed and has been found to reflect current best practice in child protection. The four key children’s safety messages are:
2. Safety is my right: to identify and effectively respond to potentially unsafe situations, including bullying.
3. My body belongs to me: to identify, prevent and stop all forms of abuse.
4. I can get help: to access help from trusted adults and relevant organisations.
The kits contain a range of resources for teachers, parents and students including lesson plans, worksheets, posters, sticker and postcards.
The kits will be launched TODAY Wednesday, 7 October 2009 at the Queensland Police Academy, Oxley. Attendees will be invited to collect their school's Children's Safety Kits at this event. If you are unable to join us but would like to receive a free Children’s Safety Kit, or if you would like further information, please contact us via email: