This applies regardless of whether you are a committee member or not and regardless of whether you attend (or have ever attended) any of our meetings or not ... and being a member - has benefits....
Here's the latest benefit...
Gold Coast City Council is offering Free Neighbourhood Watch Self Defence Training
Saturday 20 June 2009
(11.00am - 4.00pm)
at Combined Martial Arts
(46-50 Spencer Rd, Nerang)
To RSVP please email communitysafety@goldcoast.qld.gov.au or phone (07) 5581 6603
Saturday 20 June 2009
(11.00am - 4.00pm)
at Combined Martial Arts
(46-50 Spencer Rd, Nerang)
To RSVP please email communitysafety@goldcoast.qld.gov.au or phone (07) 5581 6603

There are more free training sessions planned that you would have access to such as free Applied First Aid - this is the 'proper' certificate course that is valid for one year. If you were to pay for such a class - it would cost you or your employer - well over $100.
I will keep you posted on this blog as to when the Applied First Aid classes will take place with details of whom you need to contact to sign up.
If you fancy attending the free self defence classes above and you are a resident of Oxenford - just tell them you belong to Oxenford - Coomera 3 - Neighbourhood Watch and you're in....
Pls pass this on to friends and family in Oxenford... you can do so by clicking on the envelope icon below....