Wednesday, May 4, 2011


L to R : Area Coordinator Dominique Lummus, Police Liaison Officer Sgt Andrew Lake, Division 2 Councillor John Wayne and Police Liaison Officer Sr Sgt Doc Newman.
We had a very interesting Neighbourhood Watch meeting last night - here are some of the highlights:

Margaret Keech MP for Albert attended and spoke

Michael Crandon MP for Coomera attended and spoke

Les Murphy from Gold Coast Water Police was our speaker

Councillor John Wayne attended and brought us up to date with local issues - for example - did you know that a Coles Supermarket is going to be built in Oxenford on the piece of land on the corner opposite from Simon's Luv-a-Coffee? Hopefully that will bring grocery prices down a little.

 L to R : Michael Crandon MP for Coomera, Police Liaison Officer Sgt Andrew Lake, Margaret Keech MP for Albert, Division 2 Councillor John Wayne, Area Coordinator Dominique Lummus and Police Liaison Officer Sr Sgt Doc Newman.
After each meeting we provide free drinks and many people bring a plate of food to share so we spend an hour or more socialising.

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