Monday, March 21, 2011


The Regatta Waters estate was the last ‘pocket’ in Oxenford to be assimilated under our watch’s jurisdiction. With the absorption of Regatta Waters, our Neighbourhood Watch boundaries are the Coomera River and Coomera Lake to the north and west, Kopps Road to the south and the highway to the east.

Since the end of last year Regatta Waters has suffered a disproportionate amount of crime when compared to the rest of Oxenford and this has caused a great deal of concern to both our group and  the Coomera District Police.

Coomera Police have put many strategies in place to try to halt this crime wave including mailbox drops, increased patrols and an information stand outside Oxenford Woolworths supermarket. For our part, we have sourced and disseminated statistics and information, sent out email, online and newsletter alerts as well as articles in the local press.

As a deterrent to criminal activity, we would like the residents of Regatta Waters to display a Neighbourhood Watch plaque on their letterbox or front gate/fence. This acts as a deterrent because criminals assume that members of a ‘Watch’ note and implement home security strategies, look out for one another and have engraved or otherwise marked for identification all their items of value. Many homes in the ‘older’ part of Oxenford display these signs as they were issued to all residents when the watch first started and have been ‘re-requested’ by many residents since.

If you live in Regatta Waters (or anywhere else within our Oxenford boundaries) and would like a FREE  Neighbourhood Watch metal plaque to display on your property, please email with your name and address and one will be posted through your letterbox. If you need assistance to affix the sign, please state this in your email and arrangements will be made with you.

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