Saturday, April 17, 2010


Queensland’s swimming pool safety laws have undergone the most comprehensive review in nearly 20 years. An expert committee was established in January 2009 to assist with this review.

The committee’s report sets out 23 recommendations for improving Queensland’s swimming pool safety laws and was released on 26 April 2009 for a six-week public consultation period, concluding on 5 June 2009. Read the report ( 1.2 MB)

The Queensland Government is now implementing a two-staged improvement strategy aimed at reducing the number of immersion injuries and drownings of young children in Queensland pools.

Stage one was introduced on 1 December 2009 and applies to new residential pools and includes a simplification of Queensland’s swimming pool fencing laws and regulation of temporary fencing for pools.

Stage two will be introduced later in 2010 and will mostly affect existing pools.

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The Queensland Government is proposing to replace 12 different safety standards and hundreds of local laws with one safety standard that will apply to all swimming pools associated with houses, residential units, hotels, motels, caretaker dwellings (class 1-4 buildings) and caravan parks.

Existing pool owners will have five years to comply unless they sell or lease their property first.

Under the stage two proposed measures, no sale or lease of a property with a pool will be able to proceed without a pool safety certificate issued by a licensed pool safety inspector after 1 December 2010.

A regulatory impact statement is now open for consultation on the proposed stage two requirements. A fact sheet is available highlighting the key points of what is proposed. These are available from

Closing date for feedback: 5 pm Sunday 16 May 2010.

Submissions can be made by:

Email submission form and relevant attachments to

Online at

By fax to +61 7 3237 1248

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