Thursday, April 15, 2010


During March there were 10 crimes reported to police from our area. Of those there were three burglaries from houses, two of which have been solved. There were also three break ins at other premises. A work truck was stolen from a residence and later located burnt out near Brisbane.

Of concern, there were two separate thefts of jet-skis on trailers from houses in the first week of March, one from a locked garage. Both owners had chained the trailers to prevent theft. Unfortunately, like trail bikes, these are very popular items for theft and a very heavy chain and quality lock are needed. Owners may also want to consider using floor anchors as opposed to poles or trees. Never store the key/lanyard with the jet-ski.

Always keep an eye out for your neighbours and make it hard for thieves.

Andrew LAKE
Sergeant 6695
Oxenford NHW Police Liaison Officer.

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