Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Top Secret: A peek into Queensland’s ‘Special Branch’

March 28 - 10am to 12pm

Secret operations, special surveillance and political motivations were some of the hidden aspects of the defunct Queensland Special Branch.

Little is known of the Special Branch. It was always a top secret and politically controversial unit. It was comprised of various anti-subversive organisations.

On December 7, 1989 it was promptly dissolved by the newly elected Labor Police Minister Mackenroth. But what was the Special Branch?

For those outside police forces the role of intelligence and surveillance was for many decades little understood and so more frequently reviled. In recent decades much more has become known about these agencies - assisted by more liberal archives regimes and more persistent inquiries by media and academics.

Barry Krosch is a retired Queensland Police Inspector, and a former detective in the Special Branch. He is currently studying at Griffith University’s ARC Centre for Excellence in Policing and Security. Barry will take guests through his research and knowledge in a lecture titled “Big Brothers are watching you”.

Professor of History Mark Finnane is a well-known historian of Australian policing. He will lead a discussion titled “Special branch: an obscure object of suspicion” that reflects on the history of mistrust and suspicion, looking at evidence relating to a policing operation of some notoriety in Queensland - the policing of the Springbok Rugby Tour in 1971.

This two hour presentation will start at 10am on Sunday, March 28 and will be both informative and educational and is suitable for any audience.

The Museum opens its doors to the public on the last Sunday of each month from 10am to 3pm in addition to the standard Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm opening hours. Monthly Sunday openings feature guest speakers from across the historical and crime-solving spectrums.

PLEASE NOTE: The Police Museum will open Sunday, March 28 from 10am to 3pm, and is located on the ground floor of Police Headquarters, 200 Roma Street, Brisbane.

Please feel free to pass this information onto your family, friends and other networks.

We look forward to welcoming you on March 28.

Message approved by Kym Charlton, Director, Media and Public Affairs Branch