Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I’d like to let you all know about Home Assist Secure (HAS) which is a State Government program administered in Queensland by the Department of Communities. The HAS service aims to remove some of the practical housing-related difficulties experienced by older people and people with a disability who wish to remain living in their home.

The service provides free information and referrals about home maintenance, falls prevention, repairs and modifications and also home security. Whatsmore, subsidised assistance for minor home maintenance, repairs and modifications which relate to health, safety and security, is also available for eligible clients.

HAS is nothing new - it was established by the Queensland Government in 1993 and now funds 41 services across Queensland. This community service is funded by the Queensland Department of Housing and is supported by the Queensland Police Service too. The HAS service provides the following assistance:

The Home Checklist Book – this contains practical advice about common home maintenance problems and solutions, home safety, legal and consumer protection issues and sources of further specialised information.

Security Hints for You and Your Home - information on how to make your home more secure and increase your personal security. Subsidised assistance helps people who are unable to obtain alternative assistance with minor home and yard maintenance and repairs.

Home Security Assessments - Police trained security assessors can inspect your home to help you decide on security-related repairs or on the installation of security hardware. They can also advise on personal safety issues.

To be eligible for free information and referral, you must be a home owner or live in any form of rental housing and you need to be 60 years or over - or - of any age and with a disability (or living with a family member who has a disability).

In addition to the above, to receive subsidised assistance for work in your home, you need to be:

• in receipt of a Commonwealth Government allowance or payment; and

• unable to make use of alternative forms of assistance, such as family or friends, Home and Community Care, Veterans Affairs or Department of Housing.

For further information contact HAS on 1800 642 902 or visit the website