Friday, February 19, 2010


If you live in Division 2 - and Oxenford residents do - then your councillor is John Wayne. If you have any issues you need to discuss with him - here are his contact details:-

Nerang Administration Building

833 Nerang Southport Road, Nerang.
Office Phone: (Michele) (07) 5582 8555

Fax: (07) 5582 8545
Mobile: 0439 226 147

You can visit his website here -

John's 'Meet the Residents' sessions take place at the Helensvale Library  the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 9am to 10am - no appointment necessary. Onsite meetings can be arranged or appointments can be made to meet John in his office, as sometimes this is may be more convenient for you.

Councillor John Wayne also attends all our quarterly meetings and updates us on local issues and on what he's achieving for our area. John always stays behind after our meetings to mingle with residents during refreshments and this provides you with yet another opportunity to approach him should you have any questions or concerns.