Tuesday, December 9, 2008


The NHW Christmas Party took place this evening and was a hugely enjoyable evening in many ways. We were lucky enough to have Tony, Howard and the Dictators perform for us and they were accompanied by Wayne Bryan on guitar.

Wayne also lead us in 'Home among the gum trees' and did a great rendition of 'Lara's Theme' on the mandolin which was just magic (see video snippet below). Food was brought to share and there was a quiz as well as plenty of time to socialise.

To top it all, Councillor John Wayne's wife Elizabeth brought along a cheque on John's behalf for $200 for our group - which was a very welcome surprise.

Here's a short movie or two and some collaged images from the evening.... click on the collage to see it larger (this doesn't work on all PCs and I don't know why).