Saturday, January 29, 2022


Good habits are worth starting young - like wearing a helmet when riding a bike for example! 

We all know that bicycle helmet use is associated with reduced odds of head injury, serious head injury, facial injury and fatal head injury, yet many children are riding around our community not wearing a helmet, wearing a helmet that is not correctly strapped under their chin or carrying their helmet on their handlebars! 

When interviewed by the Daily Telegraph, Dr Donovan Dwyer  who at the time was Head of Trauma at Sydney Children's Hospital, said:

"Three-quarters of scooter and skateboard riders, and 55 per cent of bike riders admitted with serious injuries, were not wearing helmets."

Dr Dwyer went on to say, "For every serious injury there are more minor ones too such as broken noses, head lacerations and chipped teeth. The danger is in the fall, not the speed. Even a stationary sideways tumble could have serious consequences."

In an effort to increase awareness in our community around the safety pluses of always wearing a correctly fitting helmet when riding a bike, scooter or skateboard and to get these conversations going around your kitchen tables, we have put together this competition. 

Open to primary school age children (ages 6 to 11) who live in postcode 4210 (Oxenford, Wongawallan, Maudsland, Studio Village and Guanaba) this design and colouring competition offers three fantastic prizes!

First prize: $300 

Second prize: $200 EB Games voucher

Third prize: $100 Toy World voucher

Here's what to do to enter our comp: 

1. Download and print the A4 image below. 

2. Ask your child to design their ideal, most amazing helmet... maybe it will be flowery or have stars, perhaps it will show their favourite animal, superhero  or sport! 

3. Fill in your contact details then scan or photograph your finished design and email it to  

Closing date is 31st March 2022. 

Winners will be contacted and winning entries  posted to this website by 18th April 2022.

Good luck!

Click (or tap) on the image  to open it to FULL SIZE then you can save and print it.

Your contact details are not stored  and are only used to administer this competition. 
Only the child’s first name will be used online when announcing winners.