Hooning activities include, but are not limited to,
- · Illegal street racing
- · Travelling at high speeds
- · Burnout offences
- · Playing loud music from car stereos
- · Speed boat hooning
- · Drink driving

This will help the police identify and stop the hoon.
- what the vehicle is and looks like
- what hooning activity the vehicle was doing
- the registration plates
- the date, time and where the vehicle was
Queensland laws are putting the brakes on hoons and other reckless driving offences. Designed to improve road safety and to stop repeat offenders, if you drive within the law, you won’t be affected. However, if you go too far, you can lose your car.
If your car is impounded or immobilised, you will need to apply in writing to the Commissioner of Police for early release if:
- there is severe hardship – financial or physical
- the offence happened without your consent
- the Type 2 offence has been rectified (unlicensed and unregistered only)
- the grounds for impoundment or immobilisation were unreasonable
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