Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Pool safety - make it a priority

Image result for pool safety signs
Every year the news covers news items that report the death by drowning of children in Queensland swimming pools.

Pool fencing prevents childhood drowning. This is why new pool safety laws were introduced back in December 2010.

Under the new laws:
  • pools deeper than 30cm must
    • be registered
    • be fenced
    • have a current pool safety certificate before renting the property or when selling the property
  • You must display a CPR sign near your pool.


  • Always supervise children in or around pools or spas.
  • Make sure your pool is fenced and the fence complies with pool safety standard.
  • Install a striker or latch to make the gate self-closing
  • Adjust your gate to make sure it opens away from the pool area.
  • Regularly maintain gardens around the pool to ensure children cannot climb into the pool area.
  • Enroll your child in a water awareness class and learn to swim classes.
  • Learn CPR and keep your skills up to date with yearly refresher courses.
Kids Alive—Do the Five is a water safety program that educates the public on 5 important steps to reduce the risk of preschool drowning. Their website also has educational videos and resources for children.

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Saturday, January 21, 2017


From Monday school returns, which means five things:
  1. School speed zones and limits will be back in force in the morning and afternoon;
  2. Children will be excited about going to school and may run out onto the road;
  3. Some parents will be doing silly things, including parking where they shouldn’t, making crossings etc. unsafe for other pedestrians and motorists;
  4. Expect lots of traffic and frazzled people near schools; and
  5. Road Policing Command will be conducting a ‘return to school enforcement campaign’.

In Queensland school zones, drivers must be at or below 40Km/h from the moment they pass the sign at the commencement of the school zone to when they have passed the sign marking the end of the school zone.

There is no tolerance for slowing down or accelerating entering or leaving a school zone.

Speeding in school zones will be enforced during the return to school road safety campaign.

Stopping distances
Do you know how long it takes to stop?
If you have good reactions (i.e. paying attention to driving) at:
  • 40Km/h, it would take approx. 26m to stop in dry weather
  • 50Km/h, it would take approx. 35m to stop in dry weather
  • 60Km/h, it would take approx. 45m to stop in dry weather

For more information see the ‘Stopping distances: speed and braking’ page on the Transport and Main Roads webpage.

Senior Sergeant Andrew Lake 6695
Operational Improvement Unit
Police Headquarters, Brisbane

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Thursday, January 5, 2017


An ‘interesting’ selection of crimes were reported to police in December, many of which were in the commercial areas of the suburb. In the one attempted burglary reported, the offender wasn’t able to get past the building security after breaking a glass door.
Whilst not reflected in our statistics, a stolen car with five juveniles was caught by police on the Oxenford bypass road after police were able to track and locate the vehicle by the ‘find my phone’ app on the victim’s stolen iPad from a burglary in Brisbane.
Attempted burglary
11/12/2016 Hopman Court: Unknown offender/s has forced a gate open to enter the yard of the house and attempted to gain entry by breaking a glass sliding door. Nil entry gained and nil property stolen.
Steal from motor vehicle
18/12/2016 Michigan Drive: Unknown offender/s has opened the fuel filler of the victim's Ford sedan and stolen 20-30 litres of petrol from the car.
Stealing of vehicle registration plates
13/12/2016 Global Plaza: Unknown offender/s has removed the front number plate from the victims Toyota utility whilst it was parked in the car park.
Wilful damage
11/12/2016 Global Plaza: Unknown offender has vandalised the victim's Nissan sedan, which had been left in the carpark of the McDonalds restaurant.
12/12/2016 Cottonwood Place: Unknown offender has emptied a can of beer through on open window of the victim's car whilst it was parked in the car park.
If you have any information in relation to any of these offences, call Coomera Police on 5519 5555 or Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.
Andrew Lake, Senior Sergeant 6695, Operational Improvement, Police Headquarters, Brisbane. (p) 3364 6045 (e) Lake.AndrewI@police.qld.gov.au .

These figures are not official Queensland Police Service statistics.  Official Queensland Police Service statistics are released only through the Information Resource Centre after available data is collected, classified and collated in accordance with nationally accepted rules.
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Monday, January 2, 2017


Tues 21st February 7pm
Tues 9th May 7pm
Tues 8th August (AGM) 7pm
Tues 7th November 7pm
Tues 13th December 7pm – Christmas Party
Our meetings take place at the Oxenford and Coomera Youth and Community Centre (behind Cottonwood Plaza just off Leo Graham Way).
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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

 Image result for happy new year
If one of your New Year resolutions was to get out and be more involved in your community – then we can’t think of a better place to start than by attending your local Neighbourhood Watch meetings which are four times a year. 

We have an interesting speaker at every meeting  and you will also get to  meet our Police Liaison Officer Sr Sgt Andrew Lake and our Local Councillor William Owen Jones along with many of your fellow neighbours. 

You will therefore  feel better connected to your community, make new friends and learn much about local news, developments, crime figures and more. 

Our next get together is on Tues 21st February  at 7pm. The venue, as always, is the Oxenford and Coomera Youth and Community Centre. Feel free to come along – no need to RSVP – just turn up.

As the temperatures are warm, the risk of ‘easy pickings’ by offenders will increase, both in homes and cars. 

Whether you are at home or not, only leave windows and doors with security screens open. Sneak thefts always increase over summer as people try to catch whatever cool breeze is available, and the criminals will use open doors as invitations.

Road safety continues to be one of Australia's most serious public health issues. It affects everyone, whether you drive, cycle or walk. 

So we’d like to remind you all to stay safe on our roads. When driving, slow down and drive to the conditions. Plan ahead and ensure you don’t drink and drive – and remember that  designated drivers are our modern day heros.

If you’re on a long trip, stop and stretch your legs every 2 hours to avoid fatigue. Always stay focused on the road and don’t get distracted by things in the car.  Buckle up on every trip, safely restrain the children in your care  and abide by the road rules.

If you do all this and keep your car well maintained you will greatly reduce your chances of being involved in a car accident.

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