Wednesday, August 3, 2011


QPS Headquarters Tour BrochureThe Queensland Police Service has opened its doors to the community with tours of Queensland Police Headquarters. Specialised policing areas never before seen by the public include:
  • Fingerprint Bureau
  • Scientific Section
  • Police Communications Centre
  • Photographic Section
  • Computer Facial Identification Technology.

Tour of Queensland Police Headquarters Brochure ( 181 KB)

Guided tours operate on Tuesday and Thursday at 10am (from February to November) at Police Headquarters, 200 Roma Street, Brisbane (opposite Brisbane Transit Centre).

Bookings are essential.
  • Maximum of 15 people for group bookings. All participants must be over 18 years of age.
  • Minimum of 5 people required for tour to be conducted.
  • For group bookings, full names, addresses and phone numbers must be supplied.
  • Contact the Media & Public Relations Branch on 3364 6256 to confirm a tour date. 
  • Complete the booking form ( 148 KB) and return via fax or post. 
  • Please view the booking information sheet ( 23 KB) for more details.
  • Tentative dates will not be fixed until booking forms have been received and numbers confirmed.
  • All effort will be made to coordinate individual bookings, according to availability.
  • No bags, coats or cameras can be taken on the tour. Secure lockers are available for the storage of such items.
  • Sighting identification (preferably with photo) may be requested prior to tour.
  • The Queensland Police Service retains the right to cancel or amend a tour for security or operational reasons, without notice.
Download booking form ( 148 KB)
Download booking information sheet ( 23 KB)

For further information and booking enquiries, please call 07 3364 6256 or fax 07 3364 6268.
Everyone is welcome to visit the Queensland Police Museum from 9am - 4pm Monday to Friday.
