Coomera District's Crime Prevention Unit have set up a stand outside Oxenford Woolworths that will run today and tomorrow. The Volunteers in Policing manning this stall are doing an excellent job of informing passers by of the crime wave in Oxenford and are handing out information regarding property and vehicle security. This is a great initiative by Sgt Martin Webb, the Crime Prevention Coordinator at Coomera Police Station.
Crime Report for January 2011
A large number of offences were committed in the Oxenford area during January, many of which would be linked to the same offender.
As indicated in previous email warnings, media reports and at the recent NHW meeting commercial vehicles, especially in the Regatta Waters area have been targeted by thieves.
If possible:
- park the vehicle in the garage;
- remove the tools from the vehicle at night;
- remove personal possessions, especially wallets;
- park the vehicle near a sensor light.
Always lock your vehicle, including closing the windows.
8/01/2011 Rushcutter Avenue: offenders have forced a window open & stolen 2 wallets. One wallet was located near Silver Ash Ct.
27/01/2011 Arizona Street: the offender has entered an open garage and searched two unlocked cars. The offender was disturbed by the victim and escaped, leaving property behind.
Break and enter premises
14/01/2011 Old Pacific Highway: the offenders have forced a roller door at the business, but have not gained entry. Property stolen from Ormeau Hills was left at the scene.
26/01/2011 Cottonwood Place: the offenders have smashed a glass door at the business & searched the office area. No property was stolen.
2/01/2011 Cottonwood Place: the offender has stolen a motor powered bicycle after cutting a chain securing it to a post.
Steal motor vehicle
25/01/2011 Riversdale Road: the offender jemmied the door lock & ignition, but could not start the vehicle, which then rolled down the road. No property was stolen.
Steal from motor vehicle

Broxbourne Place: the offender smashed the driver’s window to gain entry to the vehicle. The victim’s wife saw the offender escape in an orange sedan.
Leander Circuit: the offender smashed the driver’s window & stole cash from the centre console.
Regatta Avenue: the offender smashed a window in two cars to gain entry. Property was stolen from one vehicle.
Essen Place: the offender smashed the driver’s window and stole coins from the centre console. The victim saw the offender escape in an orange Holden Commodore.
Broxbourne Place: the offender smashed the passenger window and stole the ashtray containing coins.
14/01/2011 Temple Island Circuit: the offender stole a GPS device from an unlocked vehicle.
15/01/2011 Rafter Place: offenders have stolen gardening equipment from a trailer after cutting the padlock securing the trailer’s gate.
18/01/2011 Blueash Crescent: the offender has removed the rear registration place form a vehicle parked in the street.
24/01/2011 Brittany Drive: the offender gained entry to the victim’s utility & stole a camera & keys.
Oceanis Drive: the offender forced open the vehicle’s window & stole a GPS device, wallet, electrical items and uniforms.
Oceanis Drive: the offender broke into two vehicles in the driveway, stealing a GPS from one.
Oceanis Drive: the offender gained entry to the vehicle, but no property was stolen.
Tandanus Court: the offender gained entry to two vehicles and stole a GPS device and a mobile phone.
25/01/2011 Oceanis Drive: the offender forced entry by removing the door lock. No property was stolen.
Lanier Close: the offender jemmied the door lock of the vehicle parked on the road. No property was stolen.
26/01/2011 Rushcutter Avenue: the three offenders cut the drivers door panel to attempt entry. No entry was gained and the offenders ran to the lake after being disturbed by a neighbour.
29/01/2011 Leander Circuit: the offenders forced the canopy of a utility parked beside the victim’s house. A large amount of electrical tools were stolen.
Princeton Street: the offenders cut padlocks securing two tool boxes of the utility in the victim’s driveway. Tools were stolen from the vehicle.
30/01/2011 Oregon Way: the offender jemmied the driver’s door lock & stole a wallet from the victim’s van.
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