Friday, March 26, 2010


I am sometimes asked "How many chickens can I have on my property?" from people who are unsure about  what the limits / restrictions on birds and poultry are for suburban properties.  I have therefore sourced the following information from the Gold Coast City Council website.

To ensure that your birds or poultry are kept without nuisance to your neighbours you are required to comply with the following rules:

  • keep your birds or poultry contained to an aviary or enclosure
  • keep seed or any bird food in a sealed, vermin proof container
  • aviaries and enclosures are to be thoroughly cleaned on a weekly basis


Restrictions apply to the number of birds that can be kept on a property, however more than these numbers may be allowed with a special Council permit.

The following are listed from left to right by bird / poultry type followed by  landsize (in metres²) - followed by allowance.

Budgerigars, canaries and other birds of a similar size    Less than 300     Up to four birds

Budgerigars, canaries and other birds of a similar size   More than 300    Up to 20 birds

Cockatoos, galahs and other birds of similar size          Less than 4000   Up to one bird

Cockatoos, galahs and other birds of similar size         More than 4000   No restrictions

Pigeons Less than 800 Nil

Pigeons More than 800 Up to 20 pigeons*

Roosters, peacocks, ostriches & emus    Less than 4000       Nil

Roosters, peacocks, ostriches & emus    More than 4000     No restrictions

Geese, ducks, chickens, turkeys & other poultry (except roosters)  Less than 800     Nil

Geese, ducks, chickens, turkeys & other poultry (except roosters)  800 to 4000      Up to six poultry

Geese, ducks, chickens, turkeys & other poultry (except roosters)  More than 4000     Up to 30 poultry

*Note: A member of the Pigeon Racing association may have more than 20 pigeons on landsize greater than 800 metres².