Friday, February 26, 2010


The Oxenford/Coomera View Club has just  begun. VIEW stands for  Voices, Interest and Expression for Women, supporting the Smith Family, and they have just launched a club in the area. Dianne Nitz is the President of the newly formed club.

To get the contact details for the new club please call
VIEW Head Office in Brisbane Brisbane
Tel: 07 3115 6200  or  Fax: 07 3337 6424

VIEW women in nearly 400 communities enjoy regular social events and the friendship of other women. Through VIEW they learn new skills, develop new confidence and broaden their horizons. A simple but rewarding pleasure is to share a meal with women of all ages, listen to a great guest speaker who enlightens, entertains and perhaps enlarges one's view on the world. In addition, there are coffee mornings, theatre parties, holidays, concerts, all occasions where 'fun and friendship' can be cultivated and maintained for a lifetime.

In 2008/9 VIEW members helped thousands of disadvantaged Australian children get more out of their education by raising over $1.5 million through fundraising initiatives and by sponsoring more than 600 children supported through Learning for Life.

As well as fundraising and sponsorship, VIEW members volunteered their time and talents in a myriad of ways to unlock opportunities for these kids. Members read with local children to advance their literacy skills; helped with school work at after-school Smith Family Learning Clubs, acted as mentors for students or mentor co-ordinators for students on Smith Family mentoring programs; made library bags and donated school stationery packs for use at home and school and donated toys and books for disadvantaged children at Christmas time.