To help you party safe, the Queensland Police Service has compiled the following checklist when you are hosting a celebration.
Register your party, at least TWO WEEKS beforehand, at your local police station and get a supply of Party Safe wrist bands and a 'Registered Party' poster for display on the night of the party.
Have relevant telephone numbers available at the party, including the police, ambulance, taxi company and contact details for parents of young people attending.
Issue personal invitations that include start and finish times and are required for entry to the party.
Registering your party doesn't mean you shouldn't consider arranging private security.
Plan for adequate food and non-alcoholic drinks to be available for guests.
Ensure adequate responsible adult supervision is available for the party. Ask other parents or friends to assist and decide how obvious parents will be.
Ensure the venue for your party is suitably equipped for the number of people invited. Consider:
o Size of venue
o Seating and tables available
o Adequate lighting in all areas
In the event of uninvited guests, advise them that they are not welcome and that you will contact the police if they do not leave. Have police phone numbers handy and register your party at least TWO WEEKS beforehand with the local police.
Supervise access to your home. Ensure all valuables are locked away and that any out-of-bounds areas are adequately secured.
Encourage guests to arrange their own transport to and from the party.
Advise your neighbours about the party beforehand.
No matter how careful you are, there is a chance that there will be some trouble at your party. You might be faced with verbal arguments between guests, people making excessive noise or even physical intimidation or violence. As a host, you have the right to set the standard of acceptable behaviour and ensure that it is maintained at your party.
Source: Qld Police website
Make sure you register your party with your nearest Police Station - in Oxenford's case that is Coomera's.