Friday, August 21, 2009


We are lucky in Oxenford - our crime figures are low - however we do have our fair share of graffiti and I encourage you all to please report any 'scrawls' that you see. The council are very good and quick at removing it once it is reported - their system really works well. Please don't shrug your shoulders andthink that someone else will reported it - the council don't mind receiveing 3 calls or emails about the same 'tag' - better that it is reported 3 times than not at all.

You may think that graffiti is a trivial matter - however if you're a homeowner or local business owner you should care about its affect on your neighbourhood and on property prices.... please read on...

Graffiti is a crime of wilful damage under the Queensland Criminal Code Act (s469).
Graffiti is illegal, ugly and expensive to remove. Graffiti is a crime that affects us all. It can lower property values, make people feel unsafe, reduce business patronage and encourage other types of crime.

Conversely, keeping business premises graffiti-free helps to reinforce a professional image with customers, while keeping our neighbourhood graffiti-free reinforces pride in our lovely leafy suburb and helps to maintain feelings of safety and wellbeing.

Graffiti vandals have no respect for private or community property and no regard for the negative impacts of their actions. Their aim is to impress their peers and strengthen their reputations, by putting their graffiti tags in as many places as possible.

Graffiti that is left intact attracts more graffiti and the longer it remains, the greater the gratification for perpetrators. It also suggests that a community does not care or is unable to deal with the problem.

You can help us to stay on top of graffiti vandalism by taking measures to prevent it, and if it does occur, by making sure it is cleaned as quickly as possible. Read more on this topic by clicking on the links below:
To report graffiti on Council, Energex or other private properties, please call our hotline on (07) 5581 7998. If the graffiti is on your property, please complete the graffiti removal consent form and email it to or fax (07) 5581 7946.