One of the recipients of our emailed alert forwarded it to neighbours for whom s/he had email addresses and one of those recipients spotted the car at Hungry Jacks in Oxenford just a day later. The person (and their daughter) quickly made a note of the number plate and reported it to me. Suffice to say that the Property Crime Squad are now on to the owners of that vehicle which has been linked to 7 burglaries ...and there may be many more!
I am very pleased with this outcome. I have been keen to build on the past success of this group and to create a truly 21st century NHW group with electronic means for being in touch with residents (via this website and email) and to therefore involve people in our NHW group who would otherwise not be a part of it due to family commitments and the busy lives we all lead these days.
In fact, the individuals involved in this particular success have never even attended one our NHW meetings and that - of course - is perfectly okay. I feel it's great to have individuals involved in our group - even if only electronically - because their involvement - as this case has proved - can help us all greatly ... because who knows? The next house to be burgled by the occupants of the white Commodore might have been yours....
These lovely, community minded people cannot be named for privacy reasons - however, they are about to receive Certificates of Appreciation from the Queensland Police Service and from my part I would like to thank them profusely once again for this great result.
I would also like to quote another resident who emailed me to say, "The owners of that white Commodore DIDN'T STAND A CHANCE in Oxenford - we were ALL LOOKING FOR THEM!" Too right!!