There has been a great deal of media comment about Council's parking regulations across the city and I thought I would bring to your attention the following information - it is from Cllr John Wayne's website :
It is illegal to park on a nature strip (footpath) even if it is outside your own property. The penalty for this offence is $70
It is illegal to park a vehicle displaying a notice that the car is for sale. The penalty for this is $75
Parking a vehicle on a park or reserve is illegal. The $150 penalty reflects the potential danger to pedestrians, and especially children who may be playing in the area.
It is illegal to park a ‘restricted vehicle' which includes a truck, boat trailer, caravan or trailer on a stretch of road in a built up area for more than one hour. The penalty is $150
It is also illegal to park where there is a continuous yellow line painted on the road.