Are you going away over the holidays? Make sure you:
Cancel milk & paper deliveries
Organise to have your mail collected, held, or re-directed
Organise to have your junk mail collected
Secure wheelie bins away from windows
Lock your garden shed and your meter box
Consider using an automatic light timer and/or sensor activated lights
Secure jewellery and other valuables you are leaving behind
Our Volunteers In Policing can conduct a free security audit and assist with engraving of your valuables upon request. Please contact the VIPs at the Gold Coast District Crime Prevention Unit on 55707939 or email DCPC.GoldCoast@police.qld.gov.au to make an appointment.
Our Volunteers In Policing can conduct a free security audit and assist with engraving of your valuables upon request. Please contact the VIPs at the Gold Coast District Crime Prevention Unit on 55707939 or email DCPC.GoldCoast@police.qld.gov.au to make an appointment.
Source: Crime Prevention Unit - Qld Police