Offenders target people they perceive to be vulnerable and who would offer them the least amount of resistance. As a result, the vast majority of attacks can be deterred simply by appearing to be confident and self-assured. Remember if you don't feel confident in any situation, fake it!! This will ensure you enjoy the same benefits and may even boost your confidence.
Confidence is also reflected in a person’s ability to maintain their personal safety. A confident person is more likely to identify and implement preventative safety strategies; to have faith in their own abilities; and to take action if their personal safety is threatened. Whereas a person without confidence is not. Additionally, when people lack confidence they tend to lead a restricted lifestyle, thereby diminishing their quality of life.
As a result of the above mentioned benefits, having confidence will enhance one's quality of life. Confidence is a source of power, allowing a person to do tremendous things. All successful people have confidence in their abilities. As Thomas Edison once said, "If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves".
Read more about the core concepts of personal safety here.
Source: The Qld Police Service website