Thursday, December 8, 2022

Oxenford Neighbourhood Watch Community Christmas Party 2022



13th December 7pm - at the Oxenford & Coomera Youth and Community Centre and begin at 7pm. 


If you live in Oxenford - there is an Oxenford Residents group on Facebook that you can join - you will find it at

Click to ask to join the group and one of the Admins will approve it.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

The Novemeber meeting of our Oxenford Neighbourhood Watch



8th Nov

Christmas Party

13th December


All get-togethers are at the Oxenford & Coomera Youth and Community Centre and begin at 7pm. No need to RSVP, just come along - meet your neighbours and our local Councillor, listen to our speakers and stay behind for drinks and nibbles.


If you live in Oxenford - there is an Oxenford Residents group on Facebook that you can join - you will find it at

Click to ask to join the group and one of the Admins will approve it.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The August Meeting (and AGM) of Oxenford Neighbourhood Watch



9th August (AGM)

8th Nov

Christmas Party

13th December


All get-togethers are at the Oxenford & Coomera Youth and Community Centre and begin at 7pm. 

No need to RSVP, just come along - meet your neighbours and our local Councillor, listen to our speakers and stay behind for drinks and nibbles.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Oxenford Neighbourhood Watch meets tonight! See you there!

Tonight 10th May Oxenford Neighbourhood Watch meets at the Oxenford & Coomera Community Youth Centre - everyone who lives in the area is welcome.

No need to RSVP - just come along at 7pm.

Super interesting speaker this evening from the Gold Coast Forensic Unit and you also have the opportunity to meet with and chat with Cr William Owen-Jones Division 2 who attends and brings us up to date with local issues.
If you're unable to attend, the meeting is streamed live to the Oxenford Neighbourhood Watch Residents facebook group.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Oxenford Neighbourhood Watch Helmet Safety Art Competition

Thank you to everyone who entered our recent art competition!

The committee got together  this week and not three, but four winners were decided upon. 

All entries were marvellous and it become impossible to choose between one of two for 3rd prize - so it was decided to award two x 3rd prizes.

The winners have been contacted by one of our committee members and the presentation of prizes will happen at our 10th of May Neighbourhood Watch meeting at the Oxenford and Coomera Youth and Community Centre at 7pm.

Our congratulations to the following winners for an amazing effort and much creativity!

First prize

Second prize

Joint third winners
Nikolai and Kaitlyn

The winner receives a prize of $300, Second Prize is a $200 EB Games voucher and the third prize winners will receive a $100 Toy World voucher each.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Closing date for our Design and Colouring Competiton is approaching!

Good habits are worth starting young - like wearing a helmet when riding a bike for example! 

In an effort to increase awareness in our community around the safety pluses of always wearing a correctly fitting helmet when riding a bike, scooter or skateboard and to get these conversations going around your kitchen tables, we have put together this competition. 

Open to primary school age children (ages 6 to 11) who live in postcode 4210 (Oxenford, Wongawallan, Maudsland, Studio Village and Guanaba) this design and colouring competition offers three fantastic prizes!

First prize: $300 

Second prize: $200 EB Games voucher

Third prize: $100 Toy World voucher

Here's what to do: 

1. Download and print the A4 image below. 

2. Ask your child to design their ideal, most amazing helmet... maybe it will be flowery or have stars, perhaps it will show their favourite animal, character or sport! 

3. Fill in your contact details then scan or photograph your finished design and email it to  

Closing date is 31st March 2022. 

Winners will be contacted and winning entries  posted to this website by 18th April 2022.

Good luck!

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Facebook group for Oxenford Residents

Join us on Facebook!

If you live in Oxenford - there is an Oxenford Residents group on Facebook that you can join - you will find it at

Click to ask to join the group and one of the Admins will approve it.

We look forward to seeing you over at the Oxenford Neighbourhood Watch Residents  Group.