Work has commenced for the clean-up after some of the worst flooding our State has suffered. A disaster has been declared for approximately 75% of Queensland, with many residents losing the majority of what they own. Thankfully our area has been spared from the disaster.
Disaster Relief Appeals
Local residents in communities will need our help to re-establish themselves and continue with their lives. Donations of money is requested in the place of goods, as it can be easily distributed and helps local businesses rebuild and employ locals. If you have some spare money, I urge you to donate to the Premiers Flood Relief Appeal at:
(1). online at www.qld.gov.au/floods/donate.html
(2). by phone on 1800 219 028
(3). by internet banking using the account Premiers Disaster Relief Fund, BSB 064 013, account number 1000 6800
(4). in person at any bank in Queensland.
As usual, there have been grubs trying to steal money by claiming to be a ‘collector’, either door-to-door, in the street or by telephone ‘cold-calling’. In addition to the Premiers Flood Relief Appeal, the Salvation Army and Red Cross are seeking cash donations – but they are using online donation collection, not by door-to-door collections.
Volunteers requested
Whilst the water has receded, there will be months of restoration work to be completed. Volunteering Queensland is registering volunteers who want to help in the massive Queensland floods clean-up.
The recovery efforts for Queensland floods will be slow and complex process, with volunteers needed to assist in the weeks and months to come. Volunteering Qld maintains continual contact with key disaster management agencies and will notify registered volunteers as new opportunities to help become available.
To offer your assistance call 1800 994 100 or fill in the online form at www.emergencyvolunteering.com.au/
Please don’t just drive to a random area to try and help; you may be more of a hindrance. If you don’t have friends or family who need assistance, volunteer at the website above and assist where your help is really needed.
Acting Senior Sergeant Andrew LAKE, Service Operational Procedures, Police Headquarters, Brisbane. 3364 6045
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