Dial 000 in an emergency for fire, police and ambulance services.
Other key contacts:
State Emergency Service (SES)
Phone: 132 500
Gold Coast City Council
Phone: 1300 130 854 - general enquiries
Phone: 1800 637 000 - after hours emergency
Phone: 1800 606 000 – Disaster Hotline (during disasters only)
Bureau of Meteorology
(Brisbane Office)
Phone: (07) 3239 8700
Telephone (Telstra)
Phone: 13 22 03
Electricity (Energex)
Phone: 13 19 62
Gold Coast Hospital
Phone: (07) 5519 8211
Missing Persons
Phone: 1800 000 634
Pound - Animal Welfare League
Phone: (07) 5581 7600
Phone: 13 19 05
Counselling Lifeline
Phone: 13 11 14
Crime Stoppers
Phone: 1800 333 000
Citizens' Advice Bureau
Phone: (07) 5532 9611
Phone: 13 10 08
Phone: (07) 5574 5111
Traffic Info line - Gold Coast Traffic Management Centre
Phone: 13 19 40
Other important numbers include:
- your local GP or doctor's surgery
- hospital
- veterinary practice
- local family contact
- interstate family contact
- local primary School
- local high school
- mum's workplace
- dad's workplace
- local Council office
- neighbours